KPOP(Korean Pop) impact to ASEAN |
i chose to write this just to share my thoughts.I speak through my experience & my study.
FEMININ-untukmu album |
OK,maybe u don't get my point yet.THEY ARE SAME! Want to know why?u figure out yourself..hahaha.
OK,OK..i give u the answer: they are human & they in group!!!...joking,joking....don't be mad,Relax,Rejuvenate&use your essential oil to rub ur chest...a a a a...don't touch freely while reading this..*warning*
here it is: 1) they got package
2)they dance & synchronized,even their fashion...synchronized
3)they got Aura
4)they bare by big company who can promote & portray them as big name in industry.
those some,maybe u can list for me more,k.
KPOP(Korean POP) have left a big impact around the world,especially ASEAN & South East ASIA. I would say Thailand the most....
KPOP industry was so 'roses' in Thailand.Korean artist keep coming & the Government support their KPOP music industry in Thailand by throwing a lot of concerts & Joint venture program between Korea & Thailand.
The biggest part is they held a Korean Music Wave Concert..the biggest concert just like in KOrea,but they doing it in their country.Thailand people was so lucky,and for that,KPOP had effect their music industry & the demand towards KPOP song rising.This's where the new/existing singer will rise with KPOP-a-like music/'s some example:
Indonesia had take positively with KPOP Halyu wave,but as i concern,not that many KPOP artist had come to do performance (i don't count KPOP artist who came for leisure in Bali ya...) to compare in Thailand,Singapore&Malaysia.
NSG STAR- dance concept.the music towards Britain sound as the producer is from there. |
same case here,but they still toughs with their local artist capability.truly,not so much i hear movements of KPOP here.but fr one sure,this group deliver the same thing & i love it:
they appoint Korean Director&choreographer for them...thats why u see similarities.
by the time i wrote this,i already feel like sleeping,maybe its time fr me to go bed.but i'll finish this 1st.
KPOP music scene has started since 2007/8 when big name like TVXQ & Rain have done their concert here.but that doesn't effect the nation yet.KPOP halyu Wave started to rise in Malaysia& local radios since 3rd quater 2010.I still remember when i'm KPOP talking about KPOP infornt of my friend since 2008,some of my friend get fed up & don't like it.but at the end ,he the once produce things that a like.hmm.. never mind.
As singer/composer,& Kpop fans,i already know that this halyu wave will be big one day in Malaysia, so i bold right away a KPOP-a-like song that is PERGI!/ 떠나다 ! duet with Seung J & release it on 1st quarter 2010.
Yeah...i'm so advance that time,i like to be in the front & to be noticed on something that people not doing it yet.but the local radio was very hard to accept it because it have a combination of Korean lyrics...we have some issue on Language use in Malaysia for local radios.ok,we left it behind.
some Non-Government company had bring many KPOP artist in Malaysia also as they concern on Halyu wave in Malaysia & the trend now.
*wait,at this moment,i really feel wanna sleep,i guess my writing befiore might be not interesting.ok,continue*
as local music company see the demand towards KPOP song,some group & siners has come with the KPOP-a-like concept,including me(but i'm doing it 1st ya in i'm the pioneer la..hmmm)
here's some example:
that's me! HEHEHE..
Yours sincerely, DIOR 디요
ok,suma yg awk ckp ni 100% btol..mcm lgu awk 'pergi', msia susah nk trima krn cmpur dgn bhasa apa slhnya kn??hurmm..dan lg 1 apa kta awk debut je dgn artis kpop kt korea tu..and then promote msia sket...hehe..just kidding...rsanya hallyu wave di china n thailand lbih mluas(sgt2 mluas)..^^
tq fr the comment....yup..apersalahnya membawa kelainan & giving colours to malaysian music cscene.
actually that was my idea to debut on group still asking & hv discussion with there.if i hv luck,i wil go korea to debut & to rise Malaysia name there & whole world.
i like your comment..^^...that's so great if you can debut there...kalu dpt msuk SM Ent ke YG Ent ke JYP Ent ke ok gak..hehe..kalu dr lain pn xpe..apa2 pn do your best..kalu da brita baik harap2 gtau yer...hwaiting!!^^..hehe
o.0 gitu ke?bru xsempat zaman pop lama yg glamer dulu tu..sedar2 da minat kpop...
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