KPOP(Korean Pop) impact to ASEAN |
i chose to write this just to share my thoughts.I speak through my experience & my study.
FEMININ-untukmu album |
OK,maybe u don't get my point yet.THEY ARE SAME! Want to know why?u figure out yourself..hahaha.
OK,OK..i give u the answer: they are human & they in group!!!...joking,joking....don't be mad,Relax,Rejuvenate&use your essential oil to rub ur chest...a a a a...don't touch freely while reading this..*warning*
here it is: 1) they got package
2)they dance & synchronized,even their fashion...synchronized
3)they got Aura
4)they bare by big company who can promote & portray them as big name in industry.
those some,maybe u can list for me more,k.
KPOP(Korean POP) have left a big impact around the world,especially ASEAN & South East ASIA. I would say Thailand the most....
KPOP industry was so 'roses' in Thailand.Korean artist keep coming & the Government support their KPOP music industry in Thailand by throwing a lot of concerts & Joint venture program between Korea & Thailand.
The biggest part is they held a Korean Music Wave Concert..the biggest concert just like in KOrea,but they doing it in their country.Thailand people was so lucky,and for that,KPOP had effect their music industry & the demand towards KPOP song rising.This's where the new/existing singer will rise with KPOP-a-like music/'s some example:
Indonesia had take positively with KPOP Halyu wave,but as i concern,not that many KPOP artist had come to do performance (i don't count KPOP artist who came for leisure in Bali ya...) to compare in Thailand,Singapore&Malaysia.
NSG STAR- dance concept.the music towards Britain sound as the producer is from there. |
same case here,but they still toughs with their local artist capability.truly,not so much i hear movements of KPOP here.but fr one sure,this group deliver the same thing & i love it:
they appoint Korean Director&choreographer for them...thats why u see similarities.
by the time i wrote this,i already feel like sleeping,maybe its time fr me to go bed.but i'll finish this 1st.
KPOP music scene has started since 2007/8 when big name like TVXQ & Rain have done their concert here.but that doesn't effect the nation yet.KPOP halyu Wave started to rise in Malaysia& local radios since 3rd quater 2010.I still remember when i'm KPOP talking about KPOP infornt of my friend since 2008,some of my friend get fed up & don't like it.but at the end ,he the once produce things that a like.hmm.. never mind.
As singer/composer,& Kpop fans,i already know that this halyu wave will be big one day in Malaysia, so i bold right away a KPOP-a-like song that is PERGI!/ 떠나다 ! duet with Seung J & release it on 1st quarter 2010.
Yeah...i'm so advance that time,i like to be in the front & to be noticed on something that people not doing it yet.but the local radio was very hard to accept it because it have a combination of Korean lyrics...we have some issue on Language use in Malaysia for local radios.ok,we left it behind.
some Non-Government company had bring many KPOP artist in Malaysia also as they concern on Halyu wave in Malaysia & the trend now.
*wait,at this moment,i really feel wanna sleep,i guess my writing befiore might be not interesting.ok,continue*
as local music company see the demand towards KPOP song,some group & siners has come with the KPOP-a-like concept,including me(but i'm doing it 1st ya in i'm the pioneer la..hmmm)
here's some example:
that's me! HEHEHE..
Yours sincerely, DIOR 디요