im so thankful to GOD.i'd this VIP tix from IQWAL's(who done the opening act) parents.really excited.i enter the stadium on 7:45pm...that time IQWAL & Thomas & Jack already made their 'single' performance...i miss it.wanna c they perform actually.
i'm sitting in VIP seat,just below VVIP(i saw Datin Tiara Jaquelina & Her family) seat.
the concert start sharp at 8pm.started with 3upbaet song & yes,they just miming...but i saw heecul doesnt really how to sing his part(might be the part is originally by the other absent member).the rest all live.
uncountable number of song...but i really excited when they sing these song :
sorry sorry
super girl
Rock & Go
& Insomnia(originally sang by Wheesung/Craig David).
Actually i expected they will like flying around/high jump/anything that unfamiliar frm my eyes on their previous show,but none came across,so for me...I expect a lill bit more on this show.
overall was good.i enjoy,so to others.
awwwww~ TT.TT
fuuhh!! bestnya dapat tonton. hmm nape ek show mcm simple je di malaysia. agak2 ada dvd tak.
edzlin...mmg best.
tulah...xder xpertise kot dr sini utk stage design.
not sure lah psl dvd tu.
sy pon pegi ari 2.actually 20 mac,bkn 27.hehe.mmg bes sgt3...rase xpuas tgk dorg perform live.huhu.sume nye ade 35 lgu yg dorg nyanyikan.lagu fist tu,tajuk nye "Man in Love"...Donghae sgt la cumil n Siwon sgt la ensem.huhu
nidame: wah,,..u kire semua braper lagu!hebat!thnx 4 d comment.
for song Rock & go, i think it's suppose to be Rokkugo!
~quick awareness from me as an ELF~
**ELF stands for EverLastingFriends, fan of Super Junior
waa sronoknye dpat pegy
hope dpat pegy ntok super show 3~ oppa msty dpat pegy kan3?
besnyer dpat VIP ticket!
teringin na pegy but i'm still a student laa~ cant go without parents permission..
vip ticket for free?? wow!
oppa suke korea ye?
sy ponn~ sukee sgt ngan band ne...
hope one day dpat jmpe dioang face to face!
pray for me oke~
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